
Phase and Fez

The on and off touring member and good friend to us for more than a year now, multi-instrumentalist, Fardin ‘Fez’ Esfandiari (Guitars, Drums, Bass, Synths, Sax) will be more of a constant now on, and will make his prescence more  appehensile in this small warm-up UK tour named ‘Tour Unseen‘, after the single we are planning to release soon, forerunning Phase‘s third monumental rock album. More over the plan wants Fez sticking around even after the genius of Damos finishes his other obligations and is able to tour with us and the full on Phase experience will become availiable for your audible and viewing pleasure sometime next year! Stay in tune, for wonderful things are about to unfold before you!


Phase at Jesmond Dene

Exit Through the Sh!*ehole!

Loads of news from the Phase camp passengers! One thing at a time though… We are in the pleasant position to announce our participation to the first e-novel with music. It’s about a dark obscure dystopian, novel that was meant to be a screen play for a movie. Not bad being picked by award winning people that have worked for Led Zeppelin and Peter Gabriel​. All complimented by the famous for his Marvel​ and DC Comics works Bill Sienkiewicz    

A Mad Tea Party

Welcome aboard Adam baby! It’s an honour having you with us!!

Phase 2015

Web Sight Launched

Step inside to the place where the absolute Phase experience can be sensed. From related news, to the plans of our mysterious destinations, to lyrics, to absolutely everything concerning the ship.
One up for Konstantinos Zacharakis! Attaboy!